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Ancrene Riwle Is A Manual Of Instruction For

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Manual Of Instruction For The Survey Of The Public Lands Of The United States

Start studying English 291 Midterm 1. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Ancrene Riwle is a manual of instruction for. Introduction to the original and transcribed text of the Ancrene Riwle, a 13th century guide for female religious recluses, which is not as dry as it sounds!

Ancrene Riwle Is A Manual Of Instruction For

1r] 2 I the Feaderes ant i the Sunes ant i the Hali Gastes nome, her biginneth 'Ancrene Wisse.' Recti diligunt te. In Canticis: sponsa ad sponsum. Est rectum gramaticum, rectum geometricum, rectum theologicum; et sunt differencie totidem regularum. De recto theologico sermo nobis est, cuius regule due sunt: vna circa cordis directionem, altera uersatur circa exteriorum rectificationem. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, the ‘Guide for Anchoresses’ begins here. ‘The upright love you. Exceleverywhere Crack. ’ In the Song of Songs: the bride to the bridegroom. There is what is right in grammar, what is right in geometry, and what is right in theology; and each of these is a different kind of rightness.

We are talking about rightness in a theological sense, which has two rules: one is concerned with the direction of the heart, the other with the rectification of external things. Recti diligunt te.

4 'Lauerd', seith Godes spuse to hire deorewurthe spus, 'the rihte luuieth the.' Theo beoth rihte the 5 [liuieth] efter ri[wl]e. Ant 3e, mine leoue sustren, habbe[th] moni dei icrauet on me [e]fter ri[wl]e. 6 Monie cunne riwle beoth; ah twa beoth bimong alle thet Ich chulle speoken of thurh ower bone, 7 with Godes grace. 2.

The upright love you. ‘Lord’, says the bride of God to her beloved bridegroom, ‘the upright love you.’ The upright are those who live according to a rule. And you, my dear sisters, have been asking me for a long time for a rule. There are many kinds of rule; but there are two in particular that I will discuss because of your request, with the grace of God. 8 The an riwleth the heorte, ant maketh efne ant smethe withute cnost ant dolc of woh inwit ant of 9 wrei3ende the segge, 'Her thu sunegest', other 'This nis nawt ibet 3et as wel as hit ahte.' Theos riwle 10 is eauer inwith ant rihteth the heorte. Et hec est caritas quam describit Apostolus, de corde puro et consciencia bona et fide non ficta.

Theos riwle is chearite of schir heorte ant cleane inwit ant 11 treowe bileaue. 'Pretende', inquit Psalmista, 'misericordiam tuam scientibus te' per fidem non fictam, 'et iusticiam tuam'---id est, uite rectitudinem---'hiis qui recto sunt corde'---qui scilicet omnes uoluntate suas dirigunt ad regulam diuine uoluntatis.

Isti dicuntur 'boni' anto[no]masice: Psalmista: 'Benefac, Domine, bonis et rectis corde.' Isti dicitur ut glorientur---testimonio uidelicet bone conscientie: 'Gloriamini, omnes recti corde', quos scilicet rectificauit [f. 1v] regula illa supprema rectificans omnia, de qua Augustinus: 'Nichil petendum preter regulam magisterii', et Apostolus: 'Omnes in eadem regula permaneamus.' One of them rules the heart, and makes it even and smooth without the bumps and hollows of a crooked and accusing conscience which says, ‘You are committing a sin here’, or ‘This is not yet atoned for as well as it ought to be.’ This rule is always internal and directs the heart. And this is the charity which the Apostle describes, ‘of a pure heart and a clear conscience and sincere faith’. This rule is the charity of a pure heart and a clear conscience and true faith. ‘Extend your mercy’, says the Psalmist, ‘to those who know you’ by sincere faith, ‘and your justice’---that is, uprightness of life---‘to those who have an upright heart’---that is, those who direct all their intentions according to the rule of the divine will.