Save Yourself From Low Back Pain

If you’ve ever had back pain, you’re not alone. For many people, low-back pain becomes a chronic problem that can resurface at any moment.

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In a, you learned why most treatments for low-back pain don’t work. In this episode, you’ll learn about a simple, safe, and cheap treatment method for low-back pain that might actually work. Click the Player to Listen: Show Notes by Paul Ingraham Other Listening Options Transcript **Armi Legge:** There are a lot of misconceptions about what causes low-back pain. Luckily there is good research on how to treat low-back plan. It’s just not very well known. You learned about the most common low-back pain myths in the previous podcast. At the end of the show, you may have been thinking, “Great, so what am I supposed to do?
Live in Pain?” Well, no. In the second installment of this two-part series, you will again hear from Paul Ingraham, a science writer, former registered massage therapist, and adviser about what may be the single most common, underrated, and treatable cause of low-back pain and what to do about it. You’re listening to episode two of Impruvism Radio, the podcast that uses science to help you become more awesome. I’m your host, Armi Legge. You can find links to the studies we mention on your iPod or music playing device as you listen. A list of selected references and links to everything mentioned during this episode can also be found in the show notes on
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In the last podcast, we talked about the top five myths about low-back pain but we didn’t really tell our listeners what they could do about it. What is the most common cause of low-back pain in all your experience and what are the main treatments that actually work to cure it?
**Paul Ingraham:** That’s a really tough question because, as we discussed in the fifth myth last time, there is no particularly good treatment for low-back pain, so we’re choosing from imperfect options. They’re very awkwardly imperfect options. The fact that we can’t actually find a particularly good, reliable treatment means that we don’t know what ultimately is the main or most important cause of low-back pain.
I have a working hypothesis about it and I make it a bit part of my book. I’ll explain that in a moment, but it’s really an important disclaimer, preamble, covering my butt that I don’t know. Nobody knows. Anybody who is claiming to know is overconfident. Back pain is clearly extremely sensitive to all kinds of unusual factors, stuff that we didn’t really see coming 50 years ago or 30 years ago.
We’ve really come to understand how little we understand about it. Vizitatorul Serial Online here. That’s kind of the science story of low-back pain over the last couple decades, “Wow, this condition is really full of surprises and behaves in all kinds of different ways we didn’t expect. Wlan Model No Cb-200b Driver. ” There was a time when anybody studying back pain assumed that it was just going to be a matter of finding the tissue with the issue, the specific, meaty source of the pain. That’s just not panning out.
Here’s my best guess at what most back pain most of the time is about. It’s based on what seems to be the most effective of the kinda underwhelming options, which is massage. People first started noticing that massage was pretty helpful for back pain long before it was studied and some very serious, incredible medical authorities and skeptics were kinda giving massage a pass and nod and saying, “Yeah, there might be something there.” Long ago, back when they were already dissing just about everything else and saying, “Yeah, nothing else seems to really work,” particularly in the alternative therapies, there was a lot of skepticism about anything working, but massage would get a bit of a pass. Over time, there has been some study and the results are kinda promising. Not fantastic, but when you study this stuff regularly and deal with it all the time, it’s really quite disheartening how much bad news there is. There is so much bad news. There are so many things that don’t pan out.