Airwell Micro Bms Controller Manual
• Multi Split Trio Quattro Z & E DCI Indoor Units Outdoor Units PNX009 PNX012 PNX018 CK009 CK012 CK018 SX009 SX012 SX018 YAZ3 24 DCI DLF009 DLF012 YAZ4 30 DCI DLF018 XLF009 XLF012 DLS018 PRIME009 PRIME012 PRIME018 HAD009 HAD012 REFRIGERANT R410A HEAT PUMP JANUARY –. • LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES Note: Changes in the pages are indicated by a “Revision#” in the footer of each effected page (when none indicates no changes in the relevant page). All pages in the following list represent effected/ non effected pages divided by chapters. • TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents INTRODUCTION...1-1 PRODUCT DATA SHEET..2-1 RATING CONDITIONS..3-1 OUTLINE DIMENSIONS..4-1 PERFORMANCE DATA..5-1 PRESSURE CURVES...6-1 ELECTRICAL DATA... Thief Deadly Shadows Installation Problems. 7-1 WIRING DIAGRAMS & ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS.8-1 REFRIGERATION DIAGRAMS..9-1 10. TUBING CONNECTIONS..10-1 11. • INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION General The Trio/Quattro Z DCI Multi series is a full line multi-tubing system with 3 to 4 connected indoor units. The multi-split inverter is a high level technology product for residential and commercial application offering comfort, low noise operation and energy saving.
E-systems 3103 Drivers. Main Features 1.2.1 High Technology. • INTRODUCTION Matching Table R410A OUTDOOR UNITS INDOOR UNITS Trio YAZ3 24 DCI Quattro YAZ4 30 DCI √ √ PNX009 √ √ PNX012 √ √ PNX018 √ √ CK009 √ √ CK012 √ √ CK018 √ √ SX009 √ √ SX012 √. • INTRODUCTION Indoor Unit combinations Trio Quattro Unit A Unit B Unit D Code Sum Unit A Unit B Unit C Unit D Code Sum Nominal Indoor Units Combination SM YAZDCI 1-A.1 GB.
Usi Electric Smoke Detector S-1810 Manual. • Sound pressure level measured at 1-meter distance from unit. Rating conditions in accordance to ISO 5151 and ISO 13253 (for ducted units).