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Sombre Chemin Doctrine Rar

Sombre Chemin Doctrine Rar Rating: 6,4/10 9878votes
Sombre Definition

Happened to Sombre Chemin as the music here is very clear and actually quite bright and positive in its general orientation. If you only know the early recordings and were expecting something with a filthy sound and a punk BM style, this album will surprise you. A clear melodic Burzumesque influence is present in the melodies and the riffing, the simple keyboard melodies (even if they are washed out) and in the general minimalist repetitive pop structure of some of the tracks. The sandpaper vocals might be the only really major depressive element on this album, being set far back in the mix and usually cloaked in reverb. The percussion may not be very remarkable but do enough to sustain the music which by turns can be dramatic, lively and even very triumphal.

The minimalist grinding guitars with the occasional tremolo lead solo are dominant throughout the recording and sustain its flow and energy. No doubt after their early murkier period these guys are in a celebratory mood on their full-length debut, even if their lyrics beg to differ as they promise to bring destruction to our current world so that a new, supposedly more authentic world, cleansed of corruption and racially and ethnically pure, can take its place: the music exalts in its frenzy, massive scale and aggression, and within the limits of its sonic make-up and range can be a glory to hear and follow. The vocalist doesn't so much sing with feeling as erupt with a life-force far beyond the one he was born with. The keyboard wash tones magnify the force powering the music and aggression. Where slower, more contemplative moments appear, their sorrow seems all the more deeply felt. Bsi Proof-correction Marks Pdf. All the tracks are quite good and they're best followed as chapters in one all-embracing work. Yusuf An Other Cup.