Driver Fax Modem Intel Fa82537ep

Connect to the Internet with the Intel 56K V.92 Data/Fax modem! It features the Intel FA82537EP chipset. - Intel 56K V.92 Data/Fax Modem - Driver CD - Quick Start. Intel 537EP Chipset Family Modem Driver Windows XP Professional x64 Intel-537EP-267900-winxp64.exe contains. FA82537EP and JA82537. Intel drivers. I needed a fax modem and did not. My first 8400 had same Intel modem and it. Internet, Wireless >Networking, Internet, Wireless Forum >Intel 537EP V9x DP PCI.
Elly, First go here: and make sure you have the latest driver for that modem installed on your system. Navigon Fresh Maps Chip Kaoss Pad 3 Anleitung Deutsch on this page. there. Make sure the phone cord is tightly connected to the 8400's modem or try a different cord. V92 only adds some extra features to the v90 standard, like modem on hold, but they don't affect the speed of the connection. You can look at this site for some general help with modem problems: And you probably don't want to hear this but the modem in your 8400 isn't very good. It's a software modem meaning it uses the Pentium 4 CPU for most of it's processing needs and 'soft modems' tend to be slow and inefficient. Your older machine may have a hardware modem with it's own controller chips to handle the work and they tend to be faster, and more expensive. You may want to ask Dell to replace the board in your PC since there's always a possibility it's a bad PCI card.