Bulletstorm Pc Save Game
For Bulletstorm on the PC, a GameFAQs Answers question titled 'Where is the save game location?' Bulletstorm brings new furor to first-person shooter action thanks to its signature 'kill with skill' gameplay. The game tells the story of a futuristic confederation.
Knives Stabilizing Wood For Knife Handles Pdf. Bulletstorm Cheats, Cheat Codes, Hints, Tips Bulletstorm Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. Browse by PC Games Title: Hints and Tips for: Bulletstorm Cheats Bulletstorm Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: David K. Gun and Price Hacks: -------------------- Open the 'defaultweapon.ini' and 'defaultupgrades.ini' files in a text editor.
They can be found in './bulletstorm/stormgame/config' in either your EA folder or STEAM if you have it there. Now look at: ammocost[0]=, ammocost[1]=, unlockchargedammocost=, and unlockweaponcost=.

These are all the prices in you'll pay in the shop for a weapon. Simply change all numbers 1 to reduce prices to 1 point a piece. Changing all the ammopershot[0]= and ammopershot[1]= stats will make your weapons have infinite ammo. Changing rateoffire[0]= and rateoffire[1]= stats will make your weapons fire faster. For example, a good shotgun setting is rateoffire[0]=120 rateoffire[1]=120.
Note: [0] and [1] refers to the (normal) and (alternate) fire modes in game.