Big Chief Electric Smokehouse Manual

The BBQ BRETHREN FORUMS. >Discussion Area >Q-talk >Any Suggestions With Chief Electric Smoker. I have a 'Big Chief. Here's a link to a PDF of the manual.
English Patch Criminal Girls on this page. I have a 'Big Chief' ES that i use at Christmas time to make beef jerky. And it does an exceptional job. I have never done anything else on it. What are you smoking?? It is a cooler smoke than you would find in most of the other units on here, and i 'think' requires a slightly different approach, but i'm not sure about that. I can tell you from experience with respect to jerky.
Manual De Radiestezie Aliodor Manolea. It's done before you think it is, and don't go peekin too much! Game Talking Hippo. Here is a link to the Little Chief recipe book and other info on these. I smoked them about 1 1/2 hours then I put them in my oven for about 2 hours at 200 degrees.
(my whole house had the wonderful aroma of the hickory and mesquite that I used to smoke the ribs) Then I moved them to the grill. On the side of the grill that I had going, I took some soaked wood chips, wrapped them tightly in foil, and poked a few holes in it for added smokey flavor. I also put some beer in one of those throw-a-way bowls and had it on the burner too.
Some recipes i found online said that having a little bowl of beer on the burner keeps your food more moist. Don't know if that's true or not but figured since I had one open I'd try it. Anyone try that before or is it just a stupid concept?
Appreciate any of your input. So anyway, I put the ribs on the 'unlit' side of the grill for about an hour and a half. (carefully basting them the whole time) Then I put them over a slow flame for a few minutes at the end and they turned out perfect.