Antenna Programs

EZNEC Antenna Software by W7EL -- Ordering Information Ordering Information EZNEC v. 6.0 Available by direct download from the web (~13 MB), and on CD. If the CD is ordered from the web, the program may also be downloaded for no extra charge. Download is available by web site credit card order only. Price: Direct download, credit card web purchase only, $99.00 CD, by web order or other means, $109.00* *Add $3.00 for CD delivery outside the U.S. And Canada EZNEC+ v. 6.0 Available by direct download from the web (~14 MB), and on CD.
If the CD is ordered from the web, the program may also be downloaded for no extra charge. Download is available by web site credit card order only. Price: Direct download, credit card web purchase only, $149.00 CD, by web order or other means, $159.00* *Add $3.00 for CD delivery outside the U.S. And Canada Click to order EZNEC or EZNEC+ download *, CD, or both with credit card * Please make a backup copy of the downloaded file on some other medium besides your primary hard drive. If you don't have any way to back up the downloaded file, please order the CD with or without the download to protect against loss of EZNEC in the event of a hard drive failure. 6.0 and EZNEC+ v.
6.0 (CD only, not download) can also be ordered by phone, fax, email, or mail. Price is $109.00 * for EZNEC, $159 * for EZNEC+. (Add $3.00 * to both prices for CD delivery outside the U.S. Please see Non-Web Ordering, below. Upgrades from ELNEC or earlier EZNEC versions: Please refer to the page for information. 6.0 There are two EZNEC Pro programs, EZNEC Pro/2 and EZNEC Pro/4.
Antenna Software available on antennas. Manhattan Camera Driver. us for Free. All the listed Antenna Softwares are freewares and available for free download.
An NEC-4 license must be obtained before purchasing EZNEC Pro/4. This is not required for EZNEC Pro/2. Please refer to the page for details.
EZNEC Pro programs are not currently available for web site ordering or direct download. Please see Non-Web Ordering, below. Price: EZNEC Pro/2 v. 6.0 $525.00 * includes shipping to U.S. And Canada EZNEC Pro/4 v. 6.0 $675.00 * includes shipping to U.S. Install Aircrack Backtrack. And Canada Non-Web Ordering (CD only)* Roy Lewallen, W7EL phone 503-646-2885 P. Sudden Strike Ii Patch. O.