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Altium 3d Library

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Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Parent page: Place 3D Bodies to represent the mounted physical component. Summary A 3D body is a primitive polygonal design object that is used to represent the 3 dimensional shape of the physical component that is mounted on the assembled PCB. The Secret Societies Handbook Michael Bradley. Any number of 3D body objects can be used together to create complex component shapes. You can place extruded polygon, cylindrical and spherical 3D Body shapes, either in the PCB editor or into a PCB library component footprint. As well as the simple 3D shapes that can be defined, a 3D Body object can also be used as a container into which you can import a standard-format generic 3D model, including: STEP, SolidWorks and Parasolid format models. The actual 3D shape is displayed when the editor is switched to 3D display mode (press the 3 shortcut).

Placing 3D Body objects to define the components' shape allows the designer to get a real sense of the arrangement of the components on the assembled board. As well as being able to see what the finished board will look like, real-time 3D clearance checking can be performed, allowing component-to-component and component-to-housing collisions to be detected during the design stage. Working in the PCB Editor's 3D mode is greatly enhanced by using a, this makes the process of moving and turning the component or board very easy, it is much like holding that component or board in your hand. The following 3D objects can be used: • Standard 3D Body Objects - place multiple instances of these to build up the required component shape, as shown in the animation above: • Extruded • Cylinder • Sphere • Generic models - 3D models are available from many component manufacturers and community websites, the following file formats are supported: • STEP - *.Stp and *.Step • SolidWorks parts - *.SldPrt • Parasolid Models - *.x_t and *.x_b. Ibm Spss Statistics 20 Nextstep. The 3D Body is normally placed in the PCB library, as part of the PCB footprint. The footprint defines the connection points and the area-of-board that the component occupies, and is the minimum required for board design. The 3D Body is optional, it can be added to the footprint to define the envelope of the component that mounts on that footprint.

Altium 3d Model Library

Module 17: Linking Models, Parameters, Library Package and Updates. Palatino Medium Font. 17.3.1 Using Altium Designer’s 3D Body. Linking Models, Parameters, Library Package and. Library for altium 3d models. There is one very common operation that has to be done in nearly all the designs: beveling edges. It can be done on the c.

For more information about using 3D bodies in a component Footprint, see the page. For more information about the advantages of 3D design, see page. Availability 3D Body objects are available for placement in both the PCB and PCB Library Editors, by: • Choosing the Place » 3D Body command from the main menus. • Locating and using the 3D Body command ( ) on the Active Bar. In some situations it is easier to place a 3D Body in 2D Layout Mode, in other situations it is easier to place one in 3D Layout Mode. At any time, the 2 and 3 shortcut keys can be used to switch back and forth between the two layout modes. If you switch to 3D mode and the 3D Bodies are not visible, this indicates that the Show 3D Bodies option is disabled.

Press Shift+Z at any time to toggle the display of 3D Bodies on or off. Alternatively, the option can be controlled in the tab of the View Configuration panel. It is also possible to control the display of each model-kind, using an advanced setting ( System - General page of the Preferences dialog, click the Advanced button). In the Advanced Settings dialog, the Legacy.PCB.3DModelsShowMode preference controls the display of model types, supporting the Value - 0 (both), 1 (Generic only), 2 (Extruded only).