7750 Black Edition Core Unlock

I bought a 7850 Black Edition with idea that I might be able to unlock the 3rd and 4th cores.So Far no luck. Garena Plus Latest Update here. I have an ASUS 785M bourd with a 710 South Bridge. It has the Asus Core unlocker function.You hit 4 while The Bios is loading and it supposedly unlocks cores somehow. I have donr this several times and when I hit the 4 key the computer shuts off for a second and then begins loading the OS. Has anyone ever had luck unlocking cores on the Athlon X2 7850 Kuma?
Core count: Unlockable to. AMD Athlon x2 7750 BE: 2.7Ghz: Dual core: Triple or quad core: Phenom x4: B3: Kuma. Hexa core: Black Edition processor. More about athlon 7750 black edition quad core unlock. AMD Phenom II X3 740 Black Edition unlock core; Phenom quad 965 black edition vs intel core 2 quad.
Any Suggestions on what to do?